Breathwork & Lymphatic Drainage
Start Date: Mar 26 2024
End Date:Mar 26 2024

Halifax Education Centre (MBS) (map)



Breath work and Lymphatic Drainage
March 26 | 9am-4pm | Marc Zollicoffer
Halifax | $250
Incorporating massage with conscious breathwork and lymphatic drainage techniques provides a potent stimulus
for the parasympathetic nervous system. Lymphatic drainage massage, a form of gentle massage that encourages
the drainage of lymph fluids around the body, is an important part of the immune system that helps the body fight disease. Join us for a full day hands-on workshop of techniques you can incorporate into any treatment. Open
to Registered Massage Therapists and Estheticians.


What To Bring
Sheets, pillow, blankets, large towel


Educator Who Is This Class For

Massage Therapist


What is Provided  
Maximum Participants Cost of Class tax
